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Volunteer with Initio

Join the Trust Board

Initio is currently seeking to recruit a number of Foundation Trustees to the Trust Board.

As a Trustee, you will contribute to the Board’s governance role of providing:

  • Strategic leadership
  • Accountability and assurance
  • Strategic engagement

You will be able to demonstrate that you are able to:

  • Work effectively alongside other non-executives and executive colleagues, as an equal member of the board
  • Bring independence, external perspectives, skills and challenge to strategy development
  • Hold the executive to account by providing purposeful, constructive scrutiny and challenge
  • Shape and actively support a positive culture

Our Foundation Trustees will have a Christian faith and strategic-level leadership and management experience. They must also be committed to the Trust’s vision enabling everyone to flourish in our communities and beyond.

We welcome applicants from a range of backgrounds and functions across the public, private or third sectors. Ideally, applicants will have governance experience, such that you are able to provide an appropriate and effective challenge to the Trust’s executive team as well as to the wider Board.

Please read our Foundation Trustee Information Pack for further details about the Trust (link to the information pack including how to apply can be found below). If you are interested in finding out more, including the application process, please contact the Clerk to the Trust by emailing

Join a Local School Committee (LSC):

LSCs are established to support and challenge the Head (and the Trust) in 5 critical and specific areas:

  • By being advocates for, and guardians of, the ethos and distinctiveness (church or otherwise) of the school;
  • By monitoring safeguarding, ensuring that there is a strong culture of safeguarding within the school, that school and Trust safeguarding policies are being effectively implemented, and that children and young people are safe;
  • By monitoring inclusion and provision for Special Educational Needs and Disabilities, ensuring that the school meets its statutory duties, that school and Trust policies are being effectively implemented, and that the needs of disadvantaged children and young people are being effectively met;
  • By monitoring, supporting and challenging the educational standards and performance of the school (attendance, behaviour, attainment and progress), ensuring that the Head maintains a focus on the School Improvement Plan, as well as any actions arising from Trust or external partner meetings;
  • By supporting communication with local stakeholders between the school and the Trust to advance the school to the benefit of children and young people and all community stakeholders.

Join our community volunteer programmes:

Our schools welcome community volunteers, subject to stringent safeguarding procedures as set out in our Safeguarding policies and in Keeping Children Safe in Education.

Details of community volunteer programmes may be found via individual school websites or by contacting schools directly.

Initio Learning Trust, East Borough, Wimborne, Dorset BH21 1PL
Company Number 08561222
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